He has also vowed to fight Mr. Dole's efforts to soften the party's platform language on abortion.
Mr. Reed also said on Friday that he would accept changes to the platform language, provided they did not affect the substance of the anti-abortion plank.
It is a "cross platform" language - meaning, for example, that word processing or electronic commerce programs written in Java will run on any operating system.
UML can be used for modeling the whole system independent of platform language.
Integrate all kind of applications (independent from platform, programming language or resource) so they can bound together in workflows and processes to work in conjunction.
If he had agreed to reappraise old platform language, he might have uncorked a destructive explosion.
Without being specific, he said he expected the platform language on the issue to remain "pro-life."
Mrs. Herrod said Republicans who oppose abortion would rather not vote at all on Election Day than tolerate any weakening in the platform language.
The Republican Party should reconsider its platform language on abortion.
The issue of platform language is one that will ultimately be decided by the platform committee.