About 300,000 Rwandans live sandwiched together under a sea of blue plastic tarpaulins.
Each family also will be given a blue plastic tarpaulin for shelter, since a large percentage of the homes in East Timor are in ruins.
Rodriguez stood before the line of bodies covered by blue plastic tarpaulins and counted the protruding feet.
Moments later a powerful downpour ripped open the large plastic tarpaulin that the Zapatistas had erected to shelter the delegates.
No roof yet, only a blue plastic tarpaulin donated by the United Nations and held in place by dangling stones.
I turn to look back through stiff weathered plastic tarpaulin.
One of the dusty men looked helplessly at the engine parts strewn on plastic tarpaulins on the sand.
He completely drapes the site in clear plastic tarpaulin to catch all spilled blood, often adorning it with evidence or photos of his victim's crimes.
"Now, the sun filter," said Fielding and the workmen covered the plot with an opaque plastic tarpaulin, shaped like a tent.
Exposed bones that remained were in various states of disrepair: some had even been broken and their pieces used to hold down a plastic tarpaulin.