A polite term for the place, with its plastic tablecloths and pink walls, would be modest.
"I'm so hungry I could eat a horse," one diner says, looking at the plastic tablecloth.
At that price, you can join me in overlooking the ubiquitous plastic tablecloths.
A small white wood table, covered with a blue-and-white checked plastic tablecloth, sat to one side.
They dragged the bodies off in an ancient plastic tablecloth I suspected was kept for the purpose.
As an afterthought, Niall covered it over with the plastic tablecloth.
He was simply staring at the plastic tablecloth in an unseeing way.
In the living room, a bright plastic tablecloth covers a cloth of antique lace.
I set it discreetly on the plastic tablecloth.
The flags are cut from rolls of yellow plastic tablecloth, then woven onto thin wire rods.