At the back of the shop hung a curtain of colored plastic beads, and beyond that, more blackness.
What had looked dazzling to a 10-year-old eye looked cheap to her 12-year-old eye, and we agreed to keep only the most beautiful plastic beads.
For many people, the cheap plastic bead is synonymous not only with Carnival, but New Orleans itself.
These were replaced by inexpensive, durable, standardized plastic beads.
Millions of cells from each line were grown on plastic beads in a small plastic container.
The pillows contained one or more plastic bags filled with tiny plastic beads.
Several strings of cheap plastic beads hung around her neck, and a shower of confetti accompanied every movement.
Jim Samuel Jr.'s 4-year-old niece made him a candy cane of blue, green, white and red plastic beads.
The collagen goes away over time, but the plastic beads remain under the skin permanently.
They like to wear necklaces strung with colored plastic beads.