If the blood test shows a certain plasma glucose or higher, it is considered evidence of diabetes.
A fasting blood sugar test (fasting plasma glucose) is done after not eating or drinking anything but water for 8 hours.
It has been claimed that oleic acid has a slight advantage over linoleic acid in reducing plasma glucose.
Fasting plasma glucose and insulin levels were calculated as the average of three fasting samples.
Achieved plasma glucose and insulin concentrations were determined as the mean of the 50, 55, and 60 minute samples.
The following example of this (not logarithmized) method is based on values of fasting plasma glucose taken from a reference group of 12 subjects:
It is formed in a non-enzymatic glycation pathway by hemoglobin's exposure to plasma glucose.
Biotin status and plasma glucose in diabetics.
Therefore, blocking β2-adrenoceptors lowers plasma glucose.
The mice also display altered levels of plasma glucose and rhythms in food intake.