It is being studied for reducing plasma cholesterol in people with an excess of this compound.
High protein buckwheat flour is being studied for possible use as a functional ingredient in foods to reduce plasma cholesterol, body fat, and cholesterol gallstones.
Very long chain fatty alcohols obtained from plant waxes and beeswax have been reported to lower plasma cholesterol in humans.
Gender may affect the action of garlic oil on plasma cholesterol and glucose levels of normal subjects.
Pantethine reduces plasma cholesterol and the severity of arterial lesions in experimental hypercholesterolemic rabbits.
This difference in mortality was only partly explained by differences in age, smoking, systolic blood pressure, height, and plasma cholesterol and blood glucose concentrations.
Effects of solid and liquid guar gum on plasma cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations in moderate hypercholesterolemia.
For instance food products containing phytosterols are already widely used as a therapeutic dietary option to reduce plasma cholesterol and atherosclerotic risk.
Wheat germ policosanol failed to lower plasma cholesterol in subjects with normal to mildly elevated cholesterol concentrations.
"Tonight you will be required to fast, so that we may accurately measure plasma cholesterol, triglycerides, lipoproteins, and so on."