The original wild rose bush was destroyed shortly after the apparitions by pilgrims seeking relics, but a newer one has been planted nearby.
A few more individuals have been planted in appropriate habitat nearby.
A new sugar cane plantation has been planted nearby by Maple Ethanol for ethanol production.
Planted nearby at the car park as an ornamental plant it has spread to the reserve and is now widespread and expanding.
A neatly tended herb garden was planted nearby.
Cactus are also planted nearby the lake.
A "grandchild tree" was planted nearby in 2006.
A number of other trees have been ceremonially planted nearby as daughters or descendants of the Royal Oak.
Replacement trees in the group have been vandalised, so an entirely new group of seven has been planted nearby.
The only remaining evidence of crime was the body of George Duncan and the gun the killer had planted nearby for the police to find.