These are also plant-based products, in this case made from a chrysanthemum relative.
You will hear more in future about the value-added plant-based products now being developed for both consumer and industrial markets.
The fatty acids attached to the serine in the plant-based products have a similar, but not identical, chemical structure, but without the risk of infection.
At the Golden Door, an uber-spa in Escondido, Calif., the spa bath line, now available by mail, consists of three plant-based aromatherapy products.
The rest of the exhibition includes a video documentary on Carver's life, a timeline of his work and examples of the many plant-based products he developed.
Target 12: All wild harvested plant-based products sourced sustainably.
Common sense, as advocated above, is essential when working with, and consuming, plant-based medicinal products.
Plant Clinic Global pest and disease identification services for all horticultural and agricultural crops, garden plants and plant-based products.
These plant-based products include mannitol, sorbitol, and xylitol.
Does anyone actually consider the possibility that even natural plant-based products could interact with various medicinal products?