In August of that year the plant switched to 24-hour running in order to meet demand.
The plant switches to natural gas-powered turbines after dark so that it can continue producing power 24 hours a day.
In 2010, the plant switched to build the Fiesta subcompact for the North American market.
When insects or cows turn up, a plant must switch on chemical defenses to deter them.
The plant now switched to production of the company's new Passat model.
All five plants switched over to the almost identical B-24J in August 1943.
The utilities expect this cutback to force some plants to switch from coal to the natural gas.
For example, factory No. 112 continued building narrow-turret 76 mm armed models long after all other plants had switched to hexagonal-turreted tanks.
However, his release came quite quickly and the plant switched to supporting the allied war effort.
In addition, several plants are switching to or testing a new bagging system that helps reduce plastic use.