This plant initially supplied water to around one hundred homes.
The plant will supply 1.2 million residents in the South of the metropolitan area.
Usually, the plant supplies about 84,000 parts orders a month; the number is down to 30,000 because of the strikes.
The plant could supply 8 000 m3/day, which was about 19 percent of the average daily water demand of the city in 1997.
The plant has been supplying latter country with 20 modified Il-76s.
That solar plant supplies it all - heat, light, power.
In times of normal electricity demand, a 600-megawatt plant can supply about 300,000 homes.
This plant supplied power to the surrounding area until 1972.
This plant would supply all 20 restaurants, the agreement said.
He said all the plants would be supplying power by late June.