I planted sunflowers, which grew into cannabis.
The day before the fire he had finished tilling the ground and planting sunflowers.
The traditional agriculture is diversified: the north are planted and cultivated sunflowers, cereals and olive trees in the center south citrus and almond orchards.
The Slavers seemed to have planted sunflowers around their estates, for defense.
And the irony is that it's completely unintentional: all Nora wants is to feed Bosco and milk to Billy and his baby brother, James, to plant sunflowers in the backyard and sell enough Tupperware to make the mortgage payments on the only house on Hemlock Street that seems to be spontaneously decomposing.
Then he started planting sunflowers outside his apartment in Park Slope.
He then planted sunflowers, gambling that it might rain in July, in time to gain a harvest.
A group of women from a local senior-citizen group in Minamisoma, who also planted sunflowers throughout the region.
Traditionally, several Native American groups planted sunflowers on the north edges of their gardens as a "fourth sister" to the better known three sisters combination of corn, beans, and squash.
One idea is to plant sunflowers in your garden as these grow taller than the pot plants and camouflage them from view.