If the plant succumbs, plant elsewhere with a hybrid that is resistant to fire blight.
Many plants also succumbed to highway salt damage, particularly those growing close to the road and driveways.
Some plants have not succumbed, however and are, in fact, in full bloom.
A heavily infected plant can succumb to the disease and die.
Those who do have plantings of chrysanthemums in their garden know that the plants will eventually succumb to the cool weather.
The plants survived waves of corporate downsizing but finally succumbed in 2002.
A majority of plants use this same enzyme, so almost all plants succumb to Roundup.
Resistant plants generally succumb when weakened by respraying.
First the aquatic plants, then the ferns and cycads succumbed.
However, plants have succumbed to heavy frosts in some inland locations such as Canberra.