This time, however, the plants are shutting down, for good, leaving no jobs to bring workers back to.
Some plants shut down because of parts shortages and to prepare for new models.
We were fortunate to be able to go around when these plants were shutting down and talk to the plant managers.
Experts are not sure how many nuclear plants will shut in this decade.
She would like to see the plant shut down, or at the very least, scaled down.
With the plant shut until the issue was resolved, the owners decided to save the payroll and maintenance costs by retiring the reactor.
Twenty-nine plants on the Mexican side have shut their doors or cut back operations in the last year, almost one-quarter of the total.
The plant shut its doors in December 1999.
It was the first time in nearly a year that the plant had shut down.
Both plants, which are among the oldest at Ford, will shut in 2008, the automaker said.