The Lopezes planted corn and melons in the wet fields below, chilies and cilantro in the shade of the fruit trees.
At the same time, some of the English made a garden for his use, in which they planted shaddocks, vines, pine-apples, melons, and the seeds of several other vegetable articles.
Father will plant melons and peas and beans.
We planted strawberries, corn and beans together, we planted squashes and melons in low-gravity areas and watched them grow into jungles of thin vines covered With fruit.
Marin, called "Manini" by the Hawaiians, experimented with planting oranges, limes, beans, cabbages, potatoes, peaches, melons, maize and lettuce.
Wait another week or two to plant corn, melons and beans.
After clearing the chaparral he planted hay, melons, vegetables, and fruit and nut trees, carrying the produce to town down the steep mile and a half trail he built.
Wait until danger of frost is past before planting tender eggplants, tomatoes, peppers, melons and cucumbers.
I harrowed that same ground and planted Indian corn, pumpkins, onions, radishes, melons, beans, peas, and what-not.
Not that she intended to plant melons; a quiet cup of tea followed by a shopping trip to the African Mall was as good a way of spending the afternoon as any.