We planted roses, orange lilies, pink begonias, purple petunias, busy Lizzies and dahlias.
"It's hard to know what to do," said Mrs. Dorson, whose husband, Roland, spent Earth Day planting lilies and raspberries in the backyard.
One story states that a mayordomo planted lilies which were destroyed by a hailstorm.
I have never planted orange lilies, so what could have caused this?
Californians celebrate this holiday by planting lilies in their front yard.
Walter was planting September-blooming lilies, the glorioujB Green Dragon, six feet tall, ivory tinged with chartreuse, in a pot that weighed seventy pounds when it was filled with soil.
I planted tall lilies next to a garden path so beautiful flowers on tall arching stalks would grab passers-by.
Oriental Lilies Q. I planted Oriental lilies for the first time this spring.