The journal publishes original research investigating aspects of plant genomics from a diverse array of authors.
Rajeev Varshney has over 10 years research experience in the area of plant genomics and crop biotechnology.
The laboratory's research emphasis is on plant genomics, the study of how genes function in plant development.
He is widely known for his research in the area of plant genomics and biotechnology, particularly for his contribution in the decoding of rice, tomato and pigeonpea genomes and understanding of wheat seed storage proteins and their effect on wheat quality.
Institute members conduct bioinformatics research in a wide range of areas, ranging from structural genomics and bioinformatics, plant genomics, microbial genomics, biomedical and cancer bioinformatics and computational and statistical sciences for bioinformatics.
McCallum CM, Comai L, Greene EA, Henikoff S. Targeting induced local lesions IN genomes (TILLING) for plant functional genomics.
But visitors are largely unaware of the institution's focus on botany - including molecular studies, plant conservation and plant genomics - in laboratory and research facilities that have a scientific staff of more than 200 people.
Thanks to its focus on plant genomics, the study of how genes function in plant development, the laboratory will enable the botanical garden "to carve out a very interesting world niche," he said.
Other scientists will be studying plant genomics, addressing the way in which plant genes function in larger sets of genomes.
There, investigating plant genomics, scientists will sequence plant genes - that is, analyze the unique genetic code in a sample and break down each gene into its building-block chemicals.