White flies will let you know if they are around, for they fly off in a cloud when the plant foliage is touched.
Because Naultinus spend most of their time on the top of plant foliage, they gain much of their heat directly from the sun.
Mule deer, cattle, and goats browse the plant foliage.
If water sits on plant foliage for hours, it can encourage fungal diseases to attack leaves, buds, flowers, and fruit.
An often overlooked advantage of any mulch is its ability to keep plant foliage clean, which is especially meaningful when flowers are cut for bouquets.
Chloride ions from the salt will be taken up by the root systems and show up in the plant foliage as scorch or stunted growth.
The precipitation that is intercepted by plant foliage, eventually evaporates back to the atmosphere rather than falling to the ground.
The plant foliage is very tough and fibrous and is often mistaken for a grass.
The majority of the monument is covered with plant foliage for stabilization.
Adults are flightless with fused elytra and feed at night on plant foliage.