In the fall, the plants display a fine bunch of waxy white berries.
After eight months in the nursery, normal healthy plants should be 0.8-1 m in height and display five to eight functional leaves.
The little plant was displaying its soft lavender color just as firmly as the new blades of grass that were beginning to show forth.
Infected plants display white powdery spots on the leaves and stems.
The plant displays pink to reddish purple flowers, during a period from October to January.
The plant displays numerous fragrant flowers from March to May, which attract the bees that pollinate it.
These plants displayed a negative correlation in germination and growth in the presence of black rats.
However, it is not unique to these two taxa, as mature plants of many Nepenthes species display slightly peltate leaves.
As the fruits ripen at different rates the plants often display distinctive clusters of multicoloured berries.
Leftover plants will be donated to other botanical and display gardens, Taylor said.