The plant will comprise four Atmea 1 reactors.
The generating plant comprised four Sulzer engines of 165 hp each.
The dominant plants comprising prostrate dwarfshrub, herb tundra are shrubs, i.e. Dryas spp.
Native plants from the Pacific Northwest comprised a fourth major collection, which included about 200 of the roughly 5,000 native plants in the region.
The showy plants comprise some 8 per cent of flowering species.
The plant comprised half a dozen buildings.
The plant comprised four 45MW gas turbine units.
This natural gas fired plant comprises a Siemens V94.3A(2) gas turbine in single shaft configuration.
This plant comprises two GE LM6000 gas turbines and was constructed at a cost of $100 million.
According to Department of Energy figures, coal-fired plants comprise 300 gigawatts of electrical capacity, or 44 percent of the total generating capacity.