The Park now serves as a home landscape demonstration garden and showcases innovative plant combinations in a variety of styles and design themes.
They are often seen flowering with their companion, Queen Anne's lace, in one of the prettiest natural plant combinations that the summer months can provide.
There must be a different plant combination just to get away from the same old thing.
Besides, being creative with plant combinations can be fun.
A variety of plant combinations and companion plantings are showcased, bisected by a spine of Asian pottey.
On the other hand, if a plant combination goes wrong, surgery may be the answer.
"Florida McMansions and these plops of plant combinations on an overabundance of lawn."
The detail of intricate plant combinations, blendings of texture and form, even shadow, are carefully planned and maintained.
Some gardeners don't work out their plant combinations until they visit their garden center or nursery.
Sometimes the plant combinations are so well adjusted that they seem to take off and rather than a nice display of plants, it all turns into a jungle.