In normal years this period corresponds to the Dry season and the concentration of plant chemicals may differ from other times of the year.
In Western medicine, plant chemicals are used in 3 main ways.
Not long ago, nearly half of all prescription drugs were derived from plants or synthesized to mimic a plant chemical.
Some insects that live off plants are known to affect the release of plant chemicals, often as a way to discourage competition from other insects.
Nicotine belongs to a family of plant chemicals called alkaloids.
There could be other problems, however, including contamination by pesticides and plant chemicals like nicotine.
He added that the studies may also disclose the roles played by naturally occurring plant chemicals in the diet.
It may turn out that certain plant chemicals counteract one another.
These plant chemicals, which have estrogen-like hormonal effects on the body, occur naturally in soybeans and foods made from them.
Using plant chemicals can be costly to herbivores because it often requires specialized handling, storage, and modification.