Ornamental plants allow you to remain in touch with the natural world beyond these walls.
The 59 plants allow the country to be mostly self-sufficient, and now this strategy is once again being held up as an example.
The plant will allow greater resiliency against droughts that may become more severe due to climate change.
This aromatic plant allows for the better preservation of beer.
The extra plants at the surface allow her access to the top of the water to take air.
The new plant would allow The Times to introduce color into some sections of the Sunday paper.
The new plant allowed him to eliminate 3,000 union jobs at his five national newspapers there.
Next spring, think about moving the plants back far enough to allow for snow clearing.
There is a realistic chance that genetically-modified plants will allow us to make huge progress with renewable primary products.
Specifically modified plants will perhaps soon allow cheaper and safer drugs to be manufactured.