Cemeteries play a big role in the life of some plant hunters.
The significant commercial value of the species encouraged wild collection by both local and foreign plant hunters.
It is said that her plant hunters also introduced some 200 other plants to France, among them the dahlia.
Many other plant hunters explored in China as well, expanding the popularity of these splendid flowers.
As a plant hunter, he searched vast regions and traveled to remote islands.
In the early 1970's, plant hunters brought back the now famous New Guinea impatiens.
But this has seriously damaged a unique environment as amateur and professional plant hunters "grub out" free supplies.
But the better known plant hunters, such as Ernest "Chinese" Wilson, who came later, took all the glory.
They introduced many new species from abroad - in particular from South America - collected for them by "plant hunters".
This was a romantic era of botanical explorers, intrepid plant hunters and gardener-botanists.