Ambitious urban planning projects were carried out to express the growing wealth and higher status of the Hungarian capital.
The Front de Seine district is the result of an urban planning project from the 1970s.
Community participation has also created many barriers along the way by preventing urban planning projects from proceeding.
It was one of the first important urban planning projects in Renaissance Rome.
The planning project will advance the new station area, including a possible passenger mezzanine over the platforms, to the 30% design level.
The Chief Architect provides an architect's view in urban planning projects and national, architectural policy.
In 2009, Line 16 was among the 198 major urban planning projects listed by the city's development and reform commission.
One of his earliest town planning projects was the community of Nayot, created during the years 1959-1962.
McIntyre later moved into commercial and town planning projects.
There was a time when government took an interest in big urban planning projects.