The most radical proposals in her report concerned planning guidelines.
The UK government has issued new planning guidelines to local councils that should discourage the development of out-of-town shopping centres which reinforce dependence on the car.
Jones has described the Welsh Government's planning guideline Tan 8 as "an atrocity".
Thanks to strict planning guidelines, including hidden parking lots, much of the local charm has been preserved.
Prior to amalgamation in 2000 the region was divided into several communities each with its own planning guidelines and the suburbs have distinct characters.
Strict new planning guidelines sought to protect the remaining Georgian buildings, though some property owners still found their way around the restrictions.
Riding roughshod over the planning system is not the solution, but more precise planning guidelines for renewable energy projects would certainly help.
One is the impending release by Mayor David N. Dinkins of new planning guidelines for the area.
Prof. John D. Kasarda was consulted to define roadmap for the preparation of the planning guidelines.
Knox City Council have endeavoured to protect this green backdrop to Melbourne by developing pro-environment planning guidelines.