In April, local resident Jennifer Wilbanks was reported missing a few days before her planned wedding to John Mason.
On 11 September 1854, she died of cholera at Richmond Lodge, Putney, a month before her planned wedding to Buckstone.
This changed dramatically on 20 January 1842 in the course of a trip to Rome, made just prior to his planned wedding.
She contracted polio when she was 22, just months before her planned wedding.
Among the dead was Dr. David Applebaum, an emergency room physician who had treated many bombing victims and was with his daughter, Nava, 20, on the eve of her planned wedding.
Emily soon realizes that Patty knew about her planned wedding with Jack.
Minister Campio was a prudish little bureaucrat who had put his adherence to Kostolain etiquette above his planned wedding to Lwaxana.
The unhappy Penthea starves herself to death; Orgilus traps Ithocles in a mechanical chair and murders him, just before his planned wedding to Calantha.
In the aftermath, Captain Anlauf's oldest daughter was forced to drastically rush her planned wedding in order to keep her sisters out of an orphanage.
Natalie later realizes that Brody knows the truth and cancels their planned wedding.