In general however, the current and planned system of student debt repayment is 9% of income over a certain threshold.
These can only come in a planned economic system and will never come through the irrationalities of the market.
Last year, the decision was made by state and town officials to expand the planned system to add Clinton, which is west of Westbrook.
The planned system of satellite reflectors was supposed to have solved that, but interim measures had been put in place.
The planned system has secured $100 million in federal grants.
"This is a planned system, and we've got to provide other enterprises with raw material."
Is this planned system of tax breaks compatible with EU competition law?
This was the first time the term "metro" was used to describe the planned system.
Introducing market-like mechanisms into a planned system of health care was never going to be easy.
The planned system included three lines, which were to have been: