After the spacecraft was sent aloft Thursday, the astronauts deployed an advanced communications satellite, which has now reached its planned orbit 22,300 miles above the Equator.
It was launched into a transfer orbit, from which its on-board rockets fired it into its planned geosynchronous orbit.
Progress M-10M achieved the preliminary planned orbit after nine minutes of the launch.
On 15 December 2012, Yamal-402 was taken to its planned geostationary orbit at the altitude of 36,000 km following a series of four adjustment operations.
Because of its planned wide elliptical orbit, Surveyor should pass in and out of any Martian magnetic field.
When the rocket was first tested, in May 1987, its dummy payload failed to reach its planned orbit.
The spacecraft had to be maneuvered gingerly into its planned circular orbit for the primary mission of mapping the entire planet.
The rocket delivered the European communication satellite Atlantic Bird 7 to its planned orbit.
QB-1 failed to reach planned orbit and was declared a failure.
On April 24, 1990, shuttle mission STS-31 saw Discovery launch the telescope successfully into its planned orbit.