Work started in mid-2001 with a planned budget of 1,700 billion won.
Back in December 2007, this research project had initially been launched with a planned annual budget of only one million.
Spending will total more than $10 million between now and the end of the year, with a planned annual budget of $25 million.
The planned budget was not revealed.
Cimino had an expansive and ambitious vision for the film and pushed it about four times over its planned budget.
We want to know why are they running so much higher over the planned budget.
ARC funding increased significantly, with a planned budget of some A$736 million by 2006.
What is your planned budget per day, excepting car expense?
Real estate sources said the company had told New York officials it was at least $25 million over its planned budget of $50 million.
By April 2009, construction progress reached 50.9% of the planned budget of 2,018.782 billion won.