On June 10, they chartered a plane towing a banner - "Union to Sun: Fair Contract Now" - that flew over Camden Yards as the Orioles played the Tribune-owned Chicago Cubs.
A single-engine plane towing an advertising banner along the coast crashed several miles from Atlantic City International Airport yesterday, killing the pilot.
He maintains that his invention outshines the traditional planes towing messages because it makes a more lasting impression.
A plane towing a huge sign above the Battery told everybody to see the Whiz Kid race on Saturday just ten days away.
"No, but once or twice I nearly got the plane towing it."
To Flight Sergeant William Tompson, at the controls of a plane towing a four-ton Horsa glider, "there wasn't much navigating to do.
The pilot of a small plane towing an advertising banner was killed yesterday in a crash at a municipal airport near the Jersey Shore.
Nigel Farage had an extraordinary escape after his plane towing an election banner crashed into a field.
The HouseGuests were also communicated with by a plane towing a banner reading: "Big Brother is worse than you think.
Overhead, on the other hand, a plane towing a message circled the stadium in the first couple of innings.