Large and medium-sized planes operated by this country's airlines on scheduled flights were not involved in a single fatal crash last year, the figures show.
The two planes being operated now are Boeing 727-200's reconfigured for 150 seats to provide more legroom than typical layouts of 162-to-177 seats.
The plane, operated by Aeroperu, had been cleaned and polished shortly before the flight.
For a while a section of the line was an inclined plane operated by stationary engines.
Because they are busy and prosperous, prominent people often fly in planes not operated by major airlines.
That crash involved a plane operated by Bellview Airlines and killed 117 people, including several high-ranking government officials.
Whichever sells the ticket keeps the revenue, but it is the same plane, operated by one of the two carriers.
He noted that the planes operated by the commuter lines were also growing larger and more complex.
Unita loyalists were also reported to have captured a plane operated by the national airlines.
Their work has been hampered by a decision by the Government last November to ground all planes operated by international relief agencies.