But Boeing, too, has plans for a bigger plane of its own, known for now as the 747X.
The planes used were Cessna 337s, a twin-engine civilian light plane known for its safety and simple operation.
The astral plane, also known as the emotional plane is where consciousness goes after physical death.
There were 219 of the planes, known as Brasilias, in service last year in this country, and 291 worldwide.
The plane, known as the A350, will come in two versions, one seating 245 passengers, the other 285.
The set takes place in a plane known as Ulgrotha.
The plane, known as 008, was an airborne launching platform for many experimental craft and rockets, including the X-15.
She is now drifting through dimensional planes known as "Dream Worlds."
But now, the plane, known only by its registration number, N14053, will have its biography recorded for all time.
Players could use them to quickly travel to and from various regions through a central plane, known as Plane of Knowledge.