In all, 111 people died when the plane cartwheeled during an emergency landing.
It fell to the left, and a second later the left wingtip struck the water and the plane cartwheeled.
With its wheels down and nose up, the plane hit the ground 41 minutes after the engine failure, cartwheeled through a cornfield and broke into several sections.
He spiraled up into an Immelmann and his plane cartwheeled, cutting the cord of his opponent's circle.
The Storch spiraled down, its right wing hit the ground, snapped off, and the plane cartwheeled and came to rest in the middle of a pasture.
The plane cartwheeled.
The plane was now cartwheeling through the storm!
It looked as if he would be able to crash land in the dry river bed of the Prahova River, when suddenly the left wing flew off and the plane cartwheeled into the ground.
The plane cartwheeled and although Walker miraculously regained control, he was so badly shaken that he voluntarily withdrew from flying.
Some described the atmosphere as relatively calm until the few minutes before the plane struck the ground just short of a runway and cartwheeled.