In 2000 the South African Government decided to review and change the redistribution and tenure process to a more decentralized and area based planning process.
The operation in South Waziristan was already in planning process.
Implementation is achieved by creating specific instructions based on the means (selected during the means planning process of interactive planning).
"Regardless of my tenure, we need to set targets and engage people in forward planning process and make sure things do get done," Dr. Kimmich said.
On occasion protests have led to changes in transport policy, planning process, policing techniques and the law.
Read about the minerals planning process on the Minerals UK website - Opens in a new window.
Mega-projects have undergone a wide criticism for its top down planning process and for its ill effects on certain communities.
The park was established January 1994 after a five year planning process was implemented to address long-standing conflicts between preservationist, resource extraction and First Nations interests.
The University of Essex was established in 1964 after a six year planning process.
In addition, the extension will facilitate future negotiations by allowing subsequent new long-term grain agreements to run concurrently with the Soviet Union's five year planning process.