We planned our itinerary, with considerable help from friends in Tokyo, to include the modestly priced and the luxurious.
And I could really use your recommendations to plan my itinerary!
Upgrade to a private tour, and you can plan your itinerary with your guide during the cruise.
If you prefer to plan your own itinerary, consult the Easter Island Foundation at www.islandheritage.org.
Though it was still several months off they were both getting excited, planning their itinerary, and making lists of the clothes they would need.
They planned our itinerary after we told them our particular interests.
Where to Go To help you plan your itinerary, we divide Japan into seven regional sections.
Trekkers who do not want to carry all that equipment will have to plan their itinerary carefully.
With his help we planned the day's itinerary and chose a hotel, for which he made the booking.
Fortunately, the entrance fee is valid for two consecutive days and first-time visitors would be wise to plan their itinerary accordingly.