The institute works on urban park, trail, and natural areas planning issues, both at the local and regional levels.
One of the central goals is mutual learning where the planner gets more information on the community and citizens become more educated about planning issues.
But these challenges are planning issues that should not trump the need for housing to keep Long Island communities vital.
No construction was due to start here for at least another month, there were still planning issues to be sorted and finalized.
More than a dozen magazines are planning special issues devoted to the 20th anniversary of Earth Day in April.
The United States is only one of two dozen postal authorities around the world that are planning special Olympic issues.
Conversely, he has taken a stance against planning issues that infringe on a neighborhood's character.
If you add together planning issues and bureaucracy, the UK is not the most attractive places to invest, he says.
The library, which is open to the public, has a collection covering transportation and planning issues for the Bay Area.
The location of sites is often restricted due to planning issues and land availability.