However, the trailer is still technically in violation of the zoning code because the owner did not submit plans detailing its construction, as ordered under both citations.
State officials, citing poor conditions at the compound, have given her until the end of the month to present a plan detailing how she will remove the tigers from her property.
Commonly, marketing strategies are developed as multi-year plans, with a tactical plan detailing specific actions to be accomplished in the current year.
A Federal judge gave Continental Airlines nine more weeks to file a plan detailing how creditors will be paid under its bankruptcy reorganization.
Furthermore it was disputed whether the temple was even Doric in design and the proposed plan of Broneer detailing the temples foundations had little evidence in support.
A personal budget is a plan detailing the personal living expenses you will need to fund from the business or other sources.
The German military also drew up plans detailing how an invasion of Ireland might take place.
The North Koreans say they want light-water reactors, but the Administration has yet to work out a plan detailing which nation might provide the nuclear technology and who would pay for them.
The BBC Trust recommended the BBC to produce plans, detailing how they intend to increase viewership, by mid-2009.
During meetings held later that year, PL and CL officials disagreed over proposed plans detailing the new playoff system.