Are any of the city's churches planning concerts to mark Ascension Day (May 5)?
Like the forum of old, the square has reverted to a pedestrian site, where the city now plans open-air concerts and theater.
There is nothing pressing on the administrative roster other than the stimulating work of planning concerts and conceiving programs.
They signed him up for the executive committee of the senior center, and he found himself planning concerts, lectures and other activities.
The band earns its first money and plans concerts in Poland.
"People who plan concerts think far less analytically," Mr. Finckel said.
Johnny Gioeli announced that they were planning concerts in Japan for 2011.
The listeners also have the chance to get tickets for "secret concerts" (not public planned concerts of musicians with less security and less visitors).
The board plans concerts, movie showings, homecoming activities, athletic-related events and other activities generally associated with student life.
(It is still functioning and plans new concerts.)