During the 1970's, the city actually approved a plan to improve traffic flow by shutting down Broadway from 47th to 45th Streets.
But then came the strategy that Stern, others have said, apparently did formulate - the plan to get the agreement approved.
The four-year plan approved tonight is, for the most part, merely a blueprint.
The plan approved today is subject to his approval, and he has scheduled a hearing for July 5.
Mr. Lightbourn said the governor had no plans to approve the new games, and included the language only because the tribe wanted it.
The power-sharing plan approved this week in the federal Parliament is considered by some experts to be the first step toward a confederation.
The plan approved today would cut next year's quota by 45 percent from 2002 levels, while restricting cod vessels to nine fishing days a month.
The president actually proposed a total of $1.5 trillion in tax cuts, and the plan approved today would allow $852 billion.
However, plans approved thus far are for 120,000 residents.
The plan approved today was a slightly modified version of the county's plan.