Mr. Maidment told the court that the men had been planning terrorist acts for more than a year.
In order to fund themselves for their future attacks, they planned several criminal acts.
Physical safe havens provide security for terrorist leaders, allowing them to plan acts of terrorism around the world.
The government said the group had formed what amounted to militant squads that planned "acts of unrest."
However, the eponymous organization behind Occupy Portland has continued to plan acts of civil disobedience.
This government has never lacked the laws to go after people reasonably suspected of planning criminal acts.
Federal officials should use conspiracy statutes to prosecute roving groups who plan acts of vandalism like the acid attacks.
Some were planning terrorist acts against Russia, he said.
Some of the approximately 3000 members have planned various acts of violence, often directed at rival factions.
More than ever, cooperation is needed to help prevent, investigate, expose and arrest those who plan terrorist acts or other cross-border crime.