The plaintiff, Kathleen A. Frederick, testified that she had lost her job three months after breaking off a brief affair with the lawyer, Richard H. Glanton, in 1989.
Some Work Undertaken The state, witnesses for the plaintiffs have testified, never acted on that or other recommendations.
The plaintiffs testified about burning eyes and nasal and throat problems that began when the plant opened.
Some plaintiffs testified that agents went onto their property to spray tear gas, while others said they were sprayed in the face while standing behind the barricades.
The five plaintiffs in the lawsuit all testified about their objections.
The plaintiffs all testified that they were never given any warning that the spillways would be opened to that extent.
We did not contest the privilege, however, because plaintiff testified that she was not making any claims such as "sexual aversion."
In this case, the plaintiff, Alida Star Gebser, testified that she had been afraid to tell anyone about her relationship with the teacher, Frank Waldrop.
The two plaintiffs have testified that Mr. Maiello abused them several times a week for three years at numerous places, including his office, church pews and a parochial school principal's desk.