After both the plaintiffs and defendants complained about the verdict, the judge in the case ordered a new trial.
The plaintiffs complained that there were only 9,000 cattle and 400 sheep instead of 12,000 cattle and 2,000 sheep as a minimum as promised.
"The plaintiffs are not complaining that the law has been applied incorrectly," Ms. Fredrich said.
The lawyer said that this week's development - in which the appellate court removed precisely the ambiguous language the plaintiffs had complained about - vindicated their position.
"The retaliatory and punishing conduct of which the plaintiff complains is present and continuing," wrote Judge Stefan Underwood in the judgment.
In his written opinion for the Court, the Chief Justice said the plaintiffs were complaining of an "abstract dilution of institutional legislative power," not a personal injury.
In the lawsuit the plaintiffs complained that negligence on behalf of the defendants was responsible for the crash.
So as lawsuits get sillier - "No one warned me not to swallow that telephone," the plaintiff complains - product warnings have matched silliness for silliness.
For the most part, the bias involved jobs that the plaintiffs had not received because of their race and retaliation by The News when the plaintiffs complained.
Alternatively the plaintiff may complain that the product was in itself inadequately constructed.