Our fantasies we have plainly labeled fantasies-" "And so have I," I said as quietly as he.
The racks are stocked daily, and goods are plainly labeled.
- he felt a surge of power inside, as if he'd just stepped or been otherwise carried over an invisible boundary into a realm where each last object was plainly labeled "Mine Alone!"
They were now plainly labeled POWERFUL NARCOTICS, I noticed.
They would be plainly labeled as church property, and they would have some old duck in a backward collar reading a dissertation on the philosophical impact of Martin Luther on political thought in middle Burope.
During his time in the Assembly, Walsh introduced a bill which would require all prison-made goods to be plainly labeled, and another abolishing the leasing of prisoners as contract labor.
Each was plainly labeled Mithas Spiced Brandy or Mithas Mulled Brandy.
Luckily Avery was methodical, and the keys were plainly labeled.
Open one of the inner valves, which are plainly labeled with operating instructions, and press the neck of your bottle against the outlet and keep it there until it is nearly full.
In the half-dozen or so occasions in which there is some speculation, where the facts are missing, this is plainly labeled as such.