By March 11 things have calmed again, and I resume my more placid routine.
George returns to the placid routine of his former life.
The placid, beautifully planned routine of shipboard passed on its accustomed course, and he began to suspect that his staff-captaincy was a sinecure.
He grinned, thinking of the frantic activity that must now be disrupting that department's placid routine of cleaning and repairs.
A feeling of dread, a sense of something evil stirring behind the placid routine of Mercy Hospital!
He was in his 40's, unemployed, a gentle person with a placid, ordinary routine.
Despite a rigid, placid routine of study in his quiet room and occasional escapes to a strip club, Raj's life in Canada ends haphazardly.
And then their placid routine was shattered when Mr. Clement, while climbing out of the bathtub, fell and broke his left hip.
The placid routine of the old estate had b broken by the arrival of Cousin Bamabas, and it was liable to be ever the same again.
Her lovely and frail daughter might still live a few years if nothing disturbed her placid routine.