Students take the placement exams after they are admitted, through the spring and summer.
It's a difficult task that stems from the old advanced placement exams.
In 1998, girls made up only 17 percent of the high school students who took the advanced placement exam in computer science.
In May 2007, over 1,450 advanced placement exams were given with a passing rate of 54%.
Students are excused from classes after advanced placement exams end in May to spend about 80 hours on their projects.
But nearly twice that number pass advanced placement exams in math.
It is also the usage for public placement exams.
I remember a pivot, six or seven years ago, straight out of basic, who had blown the top off the placement exams.
There is no standard test or any placement exams required.
But placement exams showed that the musical education she already had was equivalent to four years of college.