A slight vacuum is placed on the sphere to better ensure a seal.
General practitioners are best placed to ensure that this particular specification in the patient's charter is met.
Moreover, restrictions were placed upon these to ensure that they would be developed and not simply held by speculators.
In Europe, basil is placed in the hands of the dead to ensure a safe journey.
A baby born under the Chinese sign of the Dragon may be placed in the bed to ensure fertility.
The supply and return lines must be placed far enough apart to ensure thermal recharge of the source.
Speakers were placed to ensure that listeners on either side of the car could hear both channels well enough for proper stereo.
What obligations are placed on the institution to ensure the security of the data?
However, the many hills and coastal fog meant the towers needed to be placed relatively close together to ensure visibility.
In April, a stake of $400 was placed to ensure the secure formation of the club the following year.