The two paddle wheels were placed side-by-side between the twin hulls.
A pair of blocks placed side-by-side (or bi-block) is the simplest pseudo still life.
When placed side-by-side with the original, the film doesn't quite hold up.
The game is played on a 12x16 chessboard with each player in control of two complete armies placed side-by-side.
Still-frame thumbnails are placed side-by-side to form a timeline, with adjustable stops at each end for trimming.
If two lit candles are placed side-by-side, the heated air from each candle rises and entrains surrounding air.
Even placed side-by-side with the older model, it takes some scrutiny to discern the '09 from the '08.
Wards were placed compactly side-by-side, on one level, wall-to-wall, without intervening opening spaces.
If two objects are placed side-by-side (relative to their direction of motion) they will be orbiting the Earth in different orbital planes.
Therefore two objects placed side-by-side (at any distance apart) will come together after one quarter of a revolution.