Only one race for a single first place trophy is awarded.
In the 2010-2011 winter season, the middle school swim team brought home a first place trophy, winning by approximately 200 points.
It was his first show, and he took home the first place trophy.
The last two teams dispute the third place trophy in a best-of-five playoff.
This is an event in which 13 and 14 year-old boys from all over the world come to play for the first place trophy.
End of Year tournament gave yet another 3rd place trophy to the team.
Once again, the band made a fine showing and took home the second place trophy.
The girl's golf team captured a third place trophy in 2012.
They finished the regular competition season with 6 first place trophies and 1 second place.
She received the 2nd place trophy for best sprinters in the competition.