Reasonable prices make Centro a place ideally suited to family dining, a fact well-documented by a glance around the room.
Vast and wondrous spirits had chosen that the harbingers come here, to await their future in a place better suited to their needs.
It was a place ideally suited for relaxed conversation, and they had sat down in relief.
But then, why would humans want to settle in the dwarven high country if they could find places suited to humans just beyond?
In fact, it would be hard to imagine a place better suited to illustrate the controversy that wind power is causing in this country.
Then you came unexpectedly into view, in a place most suited for murder.
Through our Information and Referral service, we are able to direct them to the place best suited to meet their needs.
He decided it was partly the landscaped setting, a place better suited to garden parties, now torn by an ancient pattern of violence.
When I fail, another will take my place better suited to command.
It was an altogether feminine place, perfectly suited for intimate conversation.