The place set for me put me directly opposite him, with my back to the door.
With Molotov here, he had a set place to be and set things to do.
If the killer had been smoking, he would have needed an ashtray and a place to set it.
The round table was large enough to seat six, but only four places were set, spaced equally around the perimeter.
Afreyt assured herself the girl's task was done and extra places set.
Certain places instinctively set aside in which to rear their young.
Some places in the country have set about building the less expensive streetcar lines themselves or with only minimal federal support.
Most places have set the middle or the end of next week as the deadline for accepting orders.
Well, I've got a special place in my house set aside for that ball.
In the final saying most of us seek a place to set roots and raise house trees.